Configuring your system

To get the most out of YoSlash, you must configure your system to use the yo/link command in your browser address bar. This page outlines the options for configuring your system.

Option 1: Browser extension (recommended)

The simplest option is to install the YoSlash browser extension:

Our extensions use the minimal permissions required and do not collect any data. In addition to resolving the yo hostname, clicking the extension icon takes you to the New link page with your current tab's URL prefilled as the Destination URL.

Option 2: Hosts file

The hosts file is a plaintext file on your computer that maps hostnames to IP addresses. You can configure your system to understand the yo hostname by adding an entry to YoSlash's static IP address. Follow these steps:.

  1. Locate your hosts file on your computer. The following table shows the location of the hosts file for different platforms.
    Other platformsSee this article
  2. Add the following entry to your hosts file: yo

Option 3: Internal DNS

If your organization maintains its own internal DNS servers, you can map the hostname yo to YoSlash's static IP address Though this option will only work for colleagues that are on the organization's network, it can still be a good backstop for those who do not have the YoSlash browser extension installed.

Contact your DNS administrators to configure a mapping from yo to
