Working with links

This guide explains how to work with YoSlash links.

Creating links through the web UI

You can create a new link by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the New link page.
  2. Fill in Link name and Destination URL.
  3. Click Save.

Once created, you can start using the link. If you’ve configured your system, then you can use the yo/link command to open the link in your browser.

Creating links through the browser extension

You can also create a new link through the browser extension:

  1. If you have not already, install the YoSlash browser extension.
  2. Navigate to the page that will serve as the link’s destination URL.
  3. Click on the extension icon. This will open the New link page in a new tab with the Destination URL field filled.
  4. Fill in Link name.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting links

You can delete a link by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Links page.
  2. Locate the link you want to delete and click on Edit.
  3. Click Delete and confirm when prompted.

Editing links

You can edit a link’s attributes like the owner or destination URL by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Links page.
  2. Locate the link you want to edit and click on Edit.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Click Save.

Editing link names is not supported. To rename a link, delete the link and recreate it.